1. 101年國中基本學力測驗簡章明天(10)起發售。國中基測全國試務委員會表示,今年國中基測只考一次,在6月9號、10號兩天舉行考試,考生報名時,必須先選擇登記分發區;另外,今年基測考場全面開放冷氣,考生如果不想在冷氣房內考試,可以另外提出申請。
The policies and rules for the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students will be on sale from tomorrow. The committee for the testing affairs indicates that the test will be held once on Jane 9th and 10th this year, The test takers should select the districts of distribution registered first when applying for it. Additionally, the air conditioning service will be offered. Those who don’t want to take exam in the rooms with air conditioning can apply for others.
2. 教育部長蔣偉寧上任後,適逢中小學開學,昨天(8)他首次參與校園活動,到新北市立三重高中,和所有師生展開友善校園週宣導,共同宣誓反黑、反毒、反霸凌。蔣偉寧部長提醒學生,遇到霸凌事件一定要說出來,教育部校園反霸凌專線0800-200-885,24小時開放,學生可以善加利用。
The minister of the Ministry of Education 蔣偉寧 joined his first school activity after taking charge of the position. He went to Taipei County 三重 Senior High School to promote “Kind Campus Week” for all the teachers and students and made a vow to keep sinister gang, drugs and bully away from campus. The minister reminded students of speaking out when run into relevant cases. The 24-hour special telephone line for anti-bully is 0800-200-885. The students in need can make use of it.
To enhance the students’ English ability in vocational schools and senior high schools, MOE makes a practical program for improving English teaching for the students of vocational schools and senior high schools. It not only puts emphasis on forming English learning environment and holding researches and studies but also helping the students who have worse English level with remedial curriculum. It hopes to enhance the students’ English ability as well as make English education rooted.
4. 中華文化總會結合兩岸力量共同完成的「中華語文知識庫」網站正式啟用,這是網路雲端世界中,第一部經專家審查的線上版兩岸華文辭庫,除了有兩岸用字對照之外,還有漢字藝術典藏、語文線上學習等功能。總統馬英九希望透過這個知識庫,成為兩岸文化交流平臺。
General Association of Chinese Culture combines the cross-strait strength to complete a website of knowledge base for Chinese. The website formally begins working which is the first on-line cross-strait dictionary examined by experts in the cloud computing world. In addition to the comparative table of vocabulary used in both sides, the functions of arts collection for Chinese and on-line language learning are included President 馬英九 hopes this knowledge base to become a platform for cross-strait cultural exchange and communication.
5. 靖娟基金會公布100年「兒童安全十大新聞」,其中以孩童交通意外事故的新聞最多,包括沒有讓兒童使用安全座椅,以及使用不合格的娃娃車超載接送兒童等等。靖娟基金會提醒家長必須瞭解幼兒園交通車是否超載學童,另外,幼童乘坐汽車時,也應該使用幼童汽車安全座椅,才能確保孩童的安全。
靖娟 Foundation announces the top ten news relating to children in 2011. Among the news, traffic accidents take the most of all including the usage of car seat and qualification of bus used for picking up the children. The foundation reminds parents to realize if the school bus is overloaded. Additionally, the children who take cars should sit in the car seats specially set for them to ensure the traffic safety.
6. 美國洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA) 所屬的「高等教育研究中心」日前公布他們2011年的「美國大一新生調查報告」。這項從1966年每年進行的調查顯示,2011年進入四年制大學的大一新鮮人,雖然在經濟不景氣中,財務上有更多的困難,但是他們比起經濟衰退前的學生,更勤學、更努力、更自制、少喝酒,而且在許多熱門的社會議題上,更傾向自由主義。
The Higher Education Research Institute of UCLA announces the result of the American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 2011and finds that the freshmen who attend 4-year colleges in 2011 study harder with more efforts, self-control ability and less alcohol addiction even they are studying during the economic depression period comparing to those who study before the depression. Moreover, they tend to support liberalism when caring about some hot issues in the society.
熱門:英國 鬼臉婦 惡魔的屁 黑嘉嘉 慣三 交往禁忌 小遊戲 火鍋 以琳
文章來源: 國立教育廣播電台